While there are a million gender stereotypes about females, these are definitely some of the biggest, and the most debated by feminists of today:
- Women are supposed to have "clean jobs" such as secretaries, teachers, and librarians
- Women are nurses, not doctors
- Women are not as strong as men
- Women are supposed to make less money than men
- The best women are stay at home moms
- Women don’t need to go to college
- Women don’t play sports
- Women are not politicians
- Women are quieter than men and not meant to speak out
- Women are supposed to be submissive and do as they are told
- Women are supposed to cook and do housework
- Women are responsible for raising children
- Women do not have technical skills and are not good at "hands on" projects such as car repairs
- Women are meant to be the damsel in distress; never the hero
- Women are supposed to look pretty and be looked at
- Women love to sing and dance
- Women do not play video games
- Women are flirts
- Women are never in charge

This does not only apply to women. Men should not be expected to always have super mega muscle strength, to always be victorious, to "bring home the bacon"... Some gender stereotypes that inaccurately try to describe all men are:
- All men enjoy working on cars
- Men are not nurses, they are doctors
- Men do "dirty jobs" such as construction and mechanics; they are not secretaries, teachers, or cosmetologists
- Men do not do housework and they are not responsible for taking care of children
- Men play video games
- Men play sports
- Men enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and hiking
- Men are in charge; they are always at the top
- As husbands, men tell their wives what to do
- Men are lazy and/or messy
- Men are good at math
- It is always men who work in science, engineering, and other technical fields
- Men do not cook, sew, or do crafts
Gender stereotyping is only one of many cases in which people are grouped up and categorized a certain way so that society/media/etc. can better depict and digest those specific groups of people. There is a much deeper reason for that which I will not get into here.
Stereotyping also HEAVILY occurs in the misrepresentation of nationalities and cultural groups. I have experienced a lot of issues personally with 'stereotyping' and it has caused me a lot of problems to this day in every place I have been.
1. I am a Female
2. I am from Lebanon
3. I am also French
4. I am a Comic Book artist
In Lebanon, being a female often times means I am married at age 22, I am not outspoken nor opinionated about important matters, I do feminine things and have a very feminine appearance, I do not say bad words, I DEFINITELY don't get tattoos, I learn to cook, and I do not pursue art as a career.
I defied almost EVERY SINGLE one of those expectations: These are real responses I have received...
- I'm not married ("She must be doing something wrong to detract men!")
- I am VERY opinionated ("So manly!")
- I curse like a sailor ("How vulgar. She will never attract a man with that language")
- I have a lot of tattoos ("Who did that to her?! Does she know they are permanent? Tattoos are for prisoners, men, criminals")
- I cannot cook to save my life ("What will she do at home while her husband is working?")
- And though being a comic book artist isn't the most promising career, I have decided to pursue it anyway. ("?!?!?!?!")
In America, I as a young Lebanese girl, I was often called a 'terrorist' in school, asked if I was muslim (valid but somewhat of a stereotype with middle eastern background), and asked why/how I am so pale if I am from the desert. It infuriated me growing up but I could not blame people for thinking this way. The media, NEWS channels especially, like to show only certain aspects of other countries. Because people in America rely so much on the NEWS for outside country information, many Americans (and people all over the place) don't know about the non-terrorist side of Lebanon and the non-muslim population in the Middle East. I deal with the French stereotypes of not showering or shaving, smoking lots of cigarettes and being very rude - (Only one of those is actually true).
In the comic book industry, I have enjoyed all aspects of it so far, drawing, other artists and creators, the Cons... but often in interviews get asked questions like, "What is it like to be a FEMALE comic book artist? Is it difficult to perservere being a woman in this industry?" . A question people ask when walking past my table: "Wait... This is YOUR artwork?! You draw?" or "Can I take your picture?", without even taking a look at my artwork.
< I don't mind those as much as "Why don't you ever Cosplay? You would make a great Bayonetta or Psylocke!"
I understand that stereotypes were designed to make certain mediums of entertainment more relatable. Characters are designed and simplified to extremes based on these stereotypes so that certain audiences can understand and relate to some degree. It is often times very destructive to certain groups and most times does not accurately represent those groups of people. It is a lazy, perceptually misleading means of characterization and should not be encouraged by the people within or isolated from certain cultures or 'groups'. I see, more and more, not people mocking OTHER races and cultures, but the very people within those races and cultures mocking themselves, probably to lighten the trope, but this in turn has a reverse affect and only encourages/validates those stereotypes. Not to get off topic, but I must mention Tyler Perry, known for his TV shows and Films marked by old stereotypes of buffoonish, emasculated black men and crass, sassy black women. His work has been criticized and his response is always very closed minded. Many have urged him to "stop dismissing the critics as haters and realize that black people need new stories and new storytellers." I disagree with his idea of entertainment and his response to the critics in this subject. Stereotyping your own culture is only so funny for so long before it becomes problematic.

With all that being said, I love girly things. My secret favorite color is in fact, PINK. I wear makeup. I am very attracted to the stupid way that girls in video games and comics are designed, simply because they are visually appealing to my eyes. I also skateboard, I listen to heavy metal, I've gotten into fist fights in high school, I sometimes play video games, I love tattoos and comics, and have really strong opinions about a LOT of worldly issues. None of those things define me or classify which group of 'girls' or 'people' I fit in with. I am guilty of stereotyping and of comedically 'self-stereotyping' by making jokes about my middle eastern culture, being a woman, etc.
When designing characters, I think it is so important to thing beyond the simple stereotype. I think it requires so much more research and empathy to create a really well developed character, and more creative maturity to rise above the simple stereotypes.